дедушка фрейд бы обрадовался, получив меня на свою койку (с)
Wow, wow, guys, i have an amazing idea! Imagine: the plot of the tenth season of Supernatural...After all this demon stuff with Dean, well Dean - demon, even English pronunciation have always known this fact, senior Winchester (but exactly not Dean himself, but his dark side, which he can't control) kills Sam! Unexpected, right? Well, and according this epic moment this song starts playing:

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Dreeeeeam brother, my killer...my lover...
And on this last two words all the fandom starts crying out loud: Wincest is motherfucking canon!!! You are amazing Carver! Take my renal! Take my body! I love you so much!
You see, Jeremy, you may become the most famous and beloved person in the world! Just one sentence: Wincest is real. And all women and men are yours!

Um, well, however, after this epic moment of all of the times, Dean realizes what he have done and goes to Crowley. He returns Sam back, but! he becomes demon too!
With the help of his epic love Dean helps his brother to fight with dark side and Winchesters decide that there is only one way out not to be monsters and hurt people: they decide to commit double suicide.

And then a dark screen. All the fandom starts crying and make noises like this one.

However! Suddenly The Impala appears... we see Dean driving along the road. He turns his head to the right and we see Sammy smiling to him...
Everybody realizes that oh my fucking god this is their heaven for two! Dean and Sam Winchesters are together forever!

Love, tears and drool of all the fans.

the end.

and hell yea, i'm speaking english cause i've gone mad.

Wincest fic arose the moment the show was aired, supported by the typical ingredients a slasher needs: two extremely hot guys, a dead girlfriend, and a brotherly love that leaves no room for anyone else. Add a bit of spice like daddy issues, betrayal, childhood trauma and emotional dependency and you have your perfect dish to satisfy hordes of Slash fans.(с)

@темы: Любимые пары, Сериалы, slash is in the air, Арр.., Supernatural